Healthy Aging

Active Living
Health Equity Minute

June 18, 2024

We can all benefit from supports that keep us connected toour communities, allow us to share the skills and knowledge we’ve built overour lifetimes, and help us thrive as we age. But the environments in which welive, work, and play don’t always provide those supports. And thoseenvironments can influence our behavior; our exposure to health risks; and ouraccess to quality health care, social interactions, and community resources.

Older people are powering our society as they live longerand healthier than ever before. By the year 2034, the United States populationwill include more adults aged 65 and older than it will children. Gains in lifeexpectancy are thanks, in part, to advances in medicine and public health. Butthese benefits have not been evenly distributed, and barriers to healthy agingare often based on race, class, and location.

Every person – no matter who they are, how much they make,or where they live – should have the opportunity to live a long and healthylife. Healthy aging is about creating environments and opportunities that allowall of us to live our values and continue doing what we love throughout ourlives.

With a growing population of older adults comes a wealth ofexperience and wisdom that we can tap into to create innovative solutions. That’swhy SHIP works with local communities to promote active living, healthy eating,and commercial tobacco free living for people of all ages and abilities.

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