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Linnea Imhof

Hi, my name is Linnea Imhof, Public Health Educator, SHIP, PHEP, LCTS & KFC coordinator for Koochiching County. I am a graduate of Bemidji State University with a bachelor's degree in Community Health. Through life experiences, a seed was placed in my heart to make a positive impact and long-lasting difference in the community that I lived in. It is a true passion of mine to promote health and wellbeing, reduce behavior induced diseases, connect people with health services and be an advocate for individuals and communities. When I’m not in the office I can be found beside my husband, 2 sons and yellow lab (Tater). My passions include competing with my horses, running ½ marathons, flying, hunting, fishing and my husband's home cooked meals. On a final note, it is a pleasure and gift to be able to serve the residents of Koochiching County.

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