CLT Member Spotlight: Brenda Shafer-Pellinen


June 18, 2024

Northeast SHIP is proud to introduce Brenda Shafer-Pellinen, a member of ourCommunity Leadership Team.  Brenda joinsus with a rich background in aging policy and advocacy together with nearly twodecades of experience in the state legislative sector. Brenda currently serveswith Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging in the role of planner working in thehousing, workforce, education, and age-friendly spaces.

Brenda’scommitment to creating ‘communities for a lifetime’ is evident in her effortsto bridge service gaps and tackle unaddressed issues affecting older adults.She is passionate about bringing together diverse individuals and organizationsto build services and communities that welcome people of all ages andabilities. Brenda is eager to partner with others who share her vision. She isready to explore innovative solutions, secure funding, and enhance communityconnections to turn possibilities into realities.

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